aeproject inspect

Inspect raw tx

The inspect command unpacks and verifies raw transaction (nonce, ttl, fee, account balance). It can be used to verify failing transactions to check what the issue is.

aeproject inspect tx_+E0MAaEBK4bq9XiZ/0QVdOa8Hs9V18v6dGZYIa8XXNYFpQh6yq6hAR8To7CL8AFABmKmi2nYdfeAPOxMCGR/btXYTHiXvVCjCoJOIAABgL6cZFo=

Default network is local, it connects to local node and verifies the transaction.

If you want to inspect your transaction on another network there is optional parameter --network. You can set testnet or mainnet.

aeproject inspect tx_+E0MAaEBK4bq9XiZ/0QVdOa8Hs9V18v6dGZYIa8XXNYFpQh6yq6hAR8To7CL8AFABmKmi2nYdfeAPOxMCGR/btXYTHiXvVCjCoJOIAABgL6cZFo= --network testnet


aeproject inspect tx_+E0MAaEBK4bq9XiZ/0QVdOa8Hs9V18v6dGZYIa8XXNYFpQh6yq6hAR8To7CL8AFABmKmi2nYdfeAPOxMCGR/btXYTHiXvVCjCoJOIAABgL6cZFo= --network mainnet

You can also set your custom network like localhost:9999 and pass and another optional parameter --networkId in case you are running the node with a custom network id.

aeproject inspect tx_+E0MAaEBK4bq9XiZ/0QVdOa8Hs9V18v6dGZYIa8XXNYFpQh6yq6hAR8To7CL8AFABmKmi2nYdfeAPOxMCGR/btXYTHiXvVCjCoJOIAABgL6cZFo= --network localhost:9999 --networkId ae_my_id

Inspected result should look something like this one. Some info, warning or error messages and tx data.

 [INFO] 'Nonce' - Current account nonce is '81', nonce used in tx is '1'.
 [ERROR]  'fee' - The fee for the transaction is too low, the minimum fee for this transaction is 16660000000000
{ tx:
   { tag: '12',
     VSN: '1',
     senderId: 'ak_LAqgfAAjAbpt4hhyrAfHyVg9xfVQWsk1kaHaii6fYXt6AJAGe',
     recipientId: 'ak_Egp9yVdpxmvAfQ7vsXGvpnyfNq71msbdUpkMNYGTeTe8kPL3v',
     amount: '10',
     fee: '20000',
     ttl: '0',
     nonce: '1',
     payload: 'ba_Xfbg4g==' },
  txType: 'spendTx' }

Last updated

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